BiSH is a "punk band without instruments" consisting of Aina The End, Cent Chihiro Chitti, Momoko Gumi Company, Hashiyasume Atsuko, Lingling, Cent Chihiro Chittiii Ayuni D D.
Formed in March 2015. Indie debut in May. Major debut from avex trax in May 2016.
Since then, he has released "Orchestra", "Promise The Star", "My landscape", "stereo future", etc., held one-man shows at YOKOHAMA ARENA and Makuhari Messe exhibition hall, and performed at many rock festivals.
“The punk band that doesn't play any instruments” consisting of AiNA THE END, CENTCHiHiRO CHiTTiii, MOMOKO GUMi COMPANY, HASHIYASUME ATSUKO, LiNG LiNG, AYUNi D. The band was founded in March 2015, and made a major debut with Avex Trax in May 2016.
Apple Music:
Formed in March 2015. Indie debut in May. Major debut from avex trax in May 2016.
Since then, he has released "Orchestra", "Promise The Star", "My landscape", "stereo future", etc., held one-man shows at YOKOHAMA ARENA and Makuhari Messe exhibition hall, and performed at many rock festivals.
“The punk band that doesn't play any instruments” consisting of AiNA THE END, CENTCHiHiRO CHiTTiii, MOMOKO GUMi COMPANY, HASHIYASUME ATSUKO, LiNG LiNG, AYUNi D. The band was founded in March 2015, and made a major debut with Avex Trax in May 2016.
Apple Music: