Members of BiSH to resume activities

Thank you for your continued support for BiSH

We would like to extend our sincere apologies for the inconvenience and concerns caused by the BiSH member's infection with COVID-19.

As for Aina The End, Cent Chihiro Chittiii, and Hashiyasume Atsuko, we have checked their health status. The quarantine period required by the health center is also over, so they will resume their activities tomorrow.

Aina The End, Cent Chihiro Chittiii, and Hashiyasume Atsuko will appear on BiSH's regular radio show "ATTACK OF THE of KiLLER BiSH" tomorrow on September 1. 

At WACK, we take all necessary measures to prevent infection. We will continue to follow the guidance of the public health center to ensure the safety of our customers, members, and staff by reinforcing our awareness and guidance to prevent the spread of infections.

Junnosuke Watanabe, CEO of WACK Inc.
The staff of BiSH
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