BiSH Cannonball Special News is now available on lute! !!

The BiSH Cannonball special news, which was held on February 13th and became a big topic such as "# BiSH Cano" continuing to enter the Twitter trend for more than 8 hours, was released on the lute channel on YouTube at once. Published! !!
With BiSH Cannonball, BiSH member managers are divided into three groups, competing for how far to go with one hand of military funds of 100,000 yen and how much money to leave to produce a drama, and based on a little information A project in which a hot and ridiculous serious game was fought, involving a cleaner who was chasing after.

The winning team won a prize of 150,000 yen, and the lowest team challenged the simple rule of a bungee jumping punishment game of Sarugakyo in a serious game, and the final ranking was decided after a rough judging committee.
I have left it as a full-length video, and it was announced that the pattern of this project will be released soon on lute, so please look forward to the follow-up report.

<YouTube URL>
BiSH Cannonball 2016 Special News [Aina The End / Hug Mii / Ogawa Edition]

BiSH Cannonball 2016 Special Report [Cent Chihiro Chittiii / Hashiyasume Atsuko / Watanabe Edition]

BiSH Cannonball 2016 Special News [Momoko Gumi Company / Lingling / Koike Edition]
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